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Firestreamer-RM Messages

This page explains the messages displayed by Firestreamer-RM.

M102: Ignoring fixed HDD; FixedHddBusMask required: nnn

This message is obsolete. Please upgrade to the latest version of Firestreamer-RM.

M103: Medium spare area: allocated/free=aaa/fff

Certain types of media, such as BD, HD DVD and DVD-RAM, support defect management at the hardware level. The media drive may redirect the recording of defective or unreliable areas on the medium to another location, called spare area. aaa and fff are the current numbers of allocated and free blocks in the spare area, respectively. See also W101.

M104: Custom Prolog/Epilog message

This message is displayed by a custom Prolog or Epilog script for a scheduled task. More...

W101: Defective medium blocks reallocated: nnn. Spare area: allocated/free=aaa/fff

Certain types of media, such as BD, HD DVD and DVD-RAM, support defect management at the hardware level. The media drive may redirect the recording of defective or unreliable areas on the medium to another location, called spare area. When such redirection occurs, this message is displayed with nnn equal to the number of defective blocks redirected. aaa and fff are the current numbers of allocated and free blocks in the spare area, respectively. See also M103.

W102: Media is write protected

This warning usually occurs because of the following reasons:

  • The 30-day trial period has expired. To continue using Firestreamer-RM, you need to purchase a license.
  • The current media is not supported (for example, DVD-R/RW) or write protected.
  • The media drive does not support writing to the current media (for example, you inserted a DVD+RW disk into a DVD-ROM drive).
  • The current media is in use by another program. Make sure you closed other programs that may access the media drive, including Windows Explorer. You may also want to remove the drive letter from the media drive to prevent the latter from being accessed by other programs.
  • You are trying to overwrite previously recorded data on write-once media (for example, DVD+R). You can only append to such media.
  • You are trying to append to media, but the current password does not match the media password. You can only overwrite the whole media with a new password.

Check the Activity tab of the Firestreamer-RM Control Panel, which may help you to diagnose the problem.

W901: Unable to configure Removable Storage

This warning can be ignored if the backup task has completed successfully.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

W902: Prolog completed with a warning
W903: Epilog completed with a warning

The script result file contains status=warning. More...

W904: Unable to delete expired file media in (folder name)

Firestreamer-RM was unable to delete expired *.fsrm files in the destination folder.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

W905: Ejected incompatible media

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper may eject the media incompatible with the current backup task, in particular, because of the following reasons:

  • The media is write protected.
  • The media has not been used with Firestreamer-RM before, and overwriting of unrecognized media is disabled.
  • The media has not expired to be overwritten, and either appending is disabled or the media has insufficient free space.
  • Firestreamer-RM was unable to perform an action on the media in Removable Storage.
  • The media is marked as disabled, decommissioned or not available in Removable Storage.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

W906: Ignoring unexpired media

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper found unexpired media, and appending to media is either disabled or not applicable. You can try one of the following:

  • Use blank or expired media for the backup task.
  • Reduce the maximum backup set age in the task settings, to ensure the media has expired by the time it is used for a new backup.
  • Enable appending to the media in the task settings.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

W907: Ignoring unrecognized or blank media

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper found a piece of media which has not been used before with Firestreamer-RM, and the task settings deny overwriting of unrecognized media.

E001: Please purchase a license to use Firestreamer-RM beyond the 30-day trial period

You need to purchase and install a Firestreamer-RM license key to use the software beyond the 30-day free trial period.

E002: Media drive error: senseKey/asq/ascq=AAh/BBh/CCh, srb/scsiStatus=DDh/EEh

This is a hardware error reported by your media drive. For more information on the Sense Key (AA), Additional Sense Code (BB) and Additional Sense Code Qualifier (CC), refer to the following standards:

E901: Check for an ASR diskette failed

The ASR diskette is not present, write protected or has insufficient free space.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E902: Unable to access Firestreamer-RM virtual tape drive

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E903: Another Firestreamer-RM backup task is currently running

You can only schedule one Firestreamer-RM Wrapper task at a time.

E904: Unable to access Removable Storage

Make sure the Removable Storage service is not disabled.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E905: Unable to access Firestreamer-RM virtual tape drive via Removable Storage.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E906: Media not available

There is no media in the drive; media is read only; media is unexpired; media is full; media is encrypted with no valid password supplied, and so on. See also W905.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E907: Unable to configure Removable Storage

This error usually occurs due to a corrupted Removable Storage database. In Removable Storage, expand all Media Pools to see if one of the IBM 3480 media pools contains the media named Additional Media for Firestreamer-RM. If you found this media, delete it. If you cannot find this media, or you cannot delete it, or the error persists even after you deleted this media, try fixing the Removable Storage database.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E908: Unable to execute ntbackup.exe

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E909: NTBackup log file contains warnings and or errors

The log parser found warnings and or errors in the NTBackup log file.

For more information, refer to the NTBackup and Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log files.

E910: Unable to locate the NTBackup log file

This error usually occurs when the Microsoft Backup Utility unexpectedly exits without creating a log file. In most cases, this indicates a failed backup. Try installing the latest software updates from Microsoft.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E911: NTBackup failed

NTBackup returned an error code.

For more information, refer to the NTBackup and Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log files.

E912: Unable to verify the NTBackup log file

The log parser was unable to process the NTBackup log file.

For more information, refer to the NTBackup and Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log files.

E914: NTBackup log file indicates a failure

The log parser detected a backup failure in the NTBackup log file.

For more information, refer to the NTBackup and Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log files.

E915: NTBackup has been terminated due to a bug check

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper detected an error condition and terminated the NTBackup application.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E916: The Removable Storage service took more than nnn seconds to start up

By default, the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper allows five minutes for Removable Storage to start up. If you get this error message, then most likely there is a problem with the Removable Storage database.

You can change the Removable Storage startup timeout by setting the RsmStartupTimeoutSeconds value (DWORD) under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cristalink\Firestreamer-RM\CurrentVersion registry key.

E917: Media content does not match the media pool

This error message can occur because of the following reasons:

  • The media is corrupted, possibly because of a previously failed backup. The latest version of the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper automatically overwrites such media if the Overwrite unrecognized media option is selected and the failed backup is the only backup on the media.
  • The media has not been used with Firestreamer-RM before, but was used with Microsoft Backup and appears in the Backup media pool. This may be the case, in particular, with Iomega REV media.

To fix the problem, disable unused Removable Storage libraries, including the Iomega REV one, and then move the media to the Free media pool.

E918: Backup task has been cancelled by the user

The backup task has been cancelled via the Firestreamer-RM Control Panel.

E919: IBM-3480 Backup Media Pool not found

If you installed Firestreamer-RM for the first time or initialized the Removable Storage database, you need to open the Microsoft Backup Utility at least once to have it automatically create the Backup media pools.

E920: Unable to prepare Prolog
E921: Unable to prepare Epilog

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper was unable to prepare the script for execution.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E922: Unable to execute Prolog
E923: Unable to execute Epilog

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper was unable to execute the script.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E924: Prolog failed
E925: Epilog failed

The script failed because of one of the following reasons:

  • The script has a non-zero exit status.
  • The script result file contains status not equal to ok or warning. More...
  • The script result file is not accessible or contains unrecognized text.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E926: Unable to configure Firestreamer-RM

The Firestreamer-RM Wrapper was unable to prepare Firestreamer-RM for the backup task.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E927: Unable to open file media (file name)

Firestreamer-RM was unable to open or create the specified file media.

For more information, refer to the Firestreamer-RM Wrapper log file.

E928: File media already exists (file name)

If you override the file media name with the Prolog script, make sure the file with this name does not exist.


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