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Firestreamer Snap-in

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The Firestreamer Snap-in is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that allows you to control Firestreamer. To open the snap-in, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Start, click Programs, and then click Firestreamer Media Changer.
  2. If the resolution of your display is 1400x1050 or better, open Firestreamer (High Resolution). Otherwise, open Firestreamer.

For immediate help in the Firestreamer Snap-in, press the F1 key on your keyboard or click the Help button (if available). If you would like to customize the appearance of the snap-in, make a copy of the appropriate .msc file and modify the copy, not the original file. For more information on MMC, refer to Microsoft Windows documentation.

The snap-in contains the following views:

The snap-in contains the following forms:


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