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Drive Media - Iomega REV

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If you use Iomega REV drive media, note the following:

  • To increase the performance and stability of your system, we strongly recommend that you uninstall all Iomega REV drivers because the older versions are known to cause system lock-ups and crashes. However, you can leave Iomega REV software installed if you are not experiencing any problems with Firestreamer.
  • Iomega REV drives do not support hardware compression. You may not be able to store, for example, 90 MB of data on a 35 MB disk because the actual compression ratio depends on the type of the data being backed up.
  • You do not need to format Iomega REV disks before using them with Firestreamer.

Intermittent Media Errors

To resolve intermittent media errors with Iomega REV, try the following methods:

  • Make sure your Iomega REV drive is properly connected with an appropriate high speed data transfer cable.
  • Enable or disable UDMA in the BIOS and/or Windows. For more information, see DMA Mode for ATA/ATAPI Devices.

Reusing Iomega REV Disks

If you plan to reuse Firestreamer-formatted Iomega REV disks with other software, you may need to reformat the disks to ensure their full capacity. For more information on low-level UDF formatting using Iomega REV tools, see the following articles:


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