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Firestreamer Snap-in - Properties Form

The Properties form allows you to change Firestreamer settings. To open the form, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Firestreamer Snap-in.
  2. In the console tree, right-click Firestreamer, and then click Properties.

The form contains the following tabs:

To use the form, follow the steps below:

  1. Change the Firestreamer settings as needed.
  2. Click either OK to apply your changes and close the form, or Apply to apply your changes without closing the form.


The General tab contains the following controls:

Data compression Controls the data compression. When the compression is enabled, you can store more data on the same medium.
Bar code prefix Specifies the prefix to be used for automatically generated bar codes. If you clear the text box and apply your changes, a new unique prefix will be generated for you. For more information, see Bar Codes.


The Configuration tab contains the following controls:

Current configuration Displays the current configuration of Firestreamer tape libraries. The Tape drives and Storage slots columns display the numbers of tape drives and storage slots per library, respectively. The Serial number column displays the serial numbers of the libraries.
Pending configuration Specifies the configuration of Firestreamer tape libraries that will take effect after the system is restarted. For more information, see Advanced Configuration.
Edit Allows you to edit the configuration of Firestreamer tape libraries. This button is disabled when the control is already in edit mode.
Add Adds a new tape library.
Delete Deletes the selected tape library.
Undo Reverts all changes made to the current configuration.


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