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Firestreamer Snap-in - Permissions Form

The Permissions form allows you to control access to Firestreamer on a per-account basis. By default, only the following accounts have access to Firestreamer: Built-in (Local) Administrators, Backup Operators, Local System, and Service Logon User.

To open the Permissions form, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Firestreamer Snap-in. If you are going to actually edit the permissions, make sure that you open the snap-in as an administrator. Depending on your security policy, domain administrators or remotely logged on administrators may not have sufficient privileges to modify the security settings for a local device. As a result, you may have to log on as a local (as opposed to domain) administrator via the console (as opposed to Remote Desktop).
  2. In the console tree, right-click Firestreamer, and then click Permissions.

The Permissions form is a standard Windows access control form. For immediate help in the form, press the F1 key on your keyboard.

To use the form, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Add, select the accounts to be allowed to access Firestreamer, and then click OK.
  2. Edit the permissions for each account as needed. In most cases, the Standard Use right will suffice.
  3. If needed, select the account to be prevented from accessing Firestreamer, and then click Remove.
  4. Click OK.

Note that you cannot modify the permissions for the default accounts listed above. If you attempt to do so, the default settings will be restored when you close the form.


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