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Firestreamer Helper Service

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The Firestreamer Helper Services (FsHelperSvc) is a service that runs in the background and performs the following functions:

  • Provides the security context for opening file media.
  • Restores the initial media layout when the system starts up.
  • Writes Firestreamer events into Windows Event Log.

By default, the service logs on to the Local System account. To change the account, follow the steps below.

  1. Unload all media from all Firestreamer libraries.
  2. Open Windows Control Panel.
  3. Open Administrative Tools.
  4. Open Services.
  5. Right-click Firestreamer Helper Service, click Properties, and then click Log On.
  6. Specify the account that has access to your file media, and then click OK.
  7. Restart the service.
  8. Load media into the Firestreamer tape libraries as needed.


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