Unable to open medium

The technical support forum for Firestreamer (the virtual tape library).
Posts: 4
Joined: 25 Feb 2011, 15:53

Post by dahinton »

I am using DPM 2010. I created a number of new tapes yesterday which seems to have created fine. It created the files with a size of 0KB. But this morning I am recieving the error:

02/25/2011 09:00:07 | Error | E016 | L1T004 | Unable to open the medium [J:\FirestreamerWriteAllowed\C7C20PJWK1Z_WEEKLY121040000000T.fsrm]: The system cannot find the file specified [C0000034] | file://J:\FirestreamerWriteAllowed\C7C20PJWK1Z_WEEKLY121040000000T.fsrm*400000 | C7C20PJWK1Z_WEEKLY121040000000T

The disk array isn't corrupt, and the disk setting are the same as the other disks that are working use: Simple, MBR disk. Any suggestions as to why this is occuring?


Cristalink Support
Posts: 300
Joined: 29 Aug 2010, 09:03

Post by jsf »

Do not use drive letters in media names because an external HDD may have a different drive letter or no letter at all assigned to it in the security context of the Firestreamer Helper Service. Instead, use the volume names which are guaranteed to point to the same disk regardless of the current account. Use the Substitute Drive Letters command in the Media Layout Editor to replace drive letters with volume names.
Best regards,
John Smith
Cristalink Support